
Thesis Proposal

Thesis Proposal

At the begining of the research work, one must prepare a dissertation proposal under the direction of at least one supervisor of the MFA doctoral program. To be aprroved, this proposall should be defended, in front of a Doctoral Committee (DC).


The beginning of the process of preparing the thesis proposal requires the enrollment for doctoral thesis proposal and having an advisor who will direct the Phd thesis. For this, the doctoral student must contact the faculty in the doctoral program who works with the subject in which the student would like to work.

Deadlines and process documentation to initiate defense

The documentation that the student must submit to the committee of the Thesis Proposal  is:

1) memory (4 hard copies and electronic version) of the Phd thesis proposal that includes at least the following information:

* Identification of the candidate and the director (or directors) of thesis
* Thesis
* Objectives of the proposal
* Estimated contributions
* State of art topic
* Work Plan with an estimated timetable
* Bibliography
* Publications in the field, if any
* List of resources (available or not) deemed necessary and where work is planned to develop

2) when there is a codirector of the view outside the program, with this information the PhD include a CV or a proper description of the background of this co-director and a reasoned justification of why they co-management.

This information should not exceed 25 pages (excluding, if any, background co-director of the thesis) and may be submitted to the committe at least 1 month before the defense.

Committee and defense process

The commitee  to evaluate the thesis proposal must be at least three members and two of which must necessarily be teachers of MFA Ph.D., one of whom shall act as chairman and another as secretary. This court will also be responsible for assessing the justification or otherwise of a co-director of external when appropriate.

Determined the composition of the tribunal, the president of the same will be responsible for setting a date and make your call.

The assessment of the thesis proposal is based on the written report, oral presentation and oral defense of the issues raised by the commitee. Will value the following aspects:

* Adequacy of the thesis proposal to the MFA program
* Scientific and technological interest and originality of the topic
* The objective, work plan and data collection and analysis of background in the subject
* Roads

If necessary, the commitee may request additional information to the candidate or his principal thesis is.

The PhD student will have half an hour to do an oral presentation of their proposal, and the commitee may then ask the questions if appropriate

The program coordinator will invite the director of the thesis  to attend the public session of the doctoral defense. At the end of the defense of the thesis proposal, the commitee  may consult the director / s of the thesis on some aspect of the proposal, in any case the director  can make it to commitee  reviewsthrough a letter sent prior to the defense.

The commitee  will set the mark, within one month from the date of defense, with comments and suggestions on the proposal that it considers appropriate. This paper will be on the record of the candidate and will be forwarded copies of the candidate and the director / s of the thesis.